Monday, May 20, 2013

New Dictionary Words

Social networking, the internet and mobile messages have changed the way language is used by the younger generation and has added some interesting words to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Tweetup - v. tweet and meet up - is used to describe a meeting arranged through Twitter.

De-friend -v. removing someone from your friend’s list

Chillax - v. telling someone to chill and relax at the same time

Conversation Practice
  1. What new words have you learned this year?
  2. What are you doing to improve your vocabulary?
  3. What words give you the most difficulty?
  4. What three words would you use to describe yourself?
  5. What are some essential travel words?
  6. What words would you use to describe music?
  7. What words would you use to describe movies?
  8. What words would you use to describe food?
  9. What words would you use to describe people?
  10. What words would you use to describe having a good day?

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