Monday, March 12, 2012

Culture Shock

  1. Learn to talk about differences and similarities between your culture and other countries.
  2. Learn where to obtain information on countries and learn about their local culture.
  1. Who has visited another country?
  2. What differences did you notice in customs and culture?
  3. What was hard to get used to?
  4. What's your most interesting story?
  5. What's your funniest story?
topics to think about

  1. Greetings 
  2. Dining 
  3. Personal space 
  4. Homes
  5. Dating
  6. Holidays
  7. Safety
  8. Taxis
  9. Laundry
  10. Bathhouses
  11. Movies theaters
  12. Elevators
  13. Fashion
  14. Superstitions
  15. Medicine
  16. Education
  17. Generations
  18. "Bangs" - pc bang / nohrebang / game bang
  19. Recreation
  20. Socializing
  21. Cars
  22. Shopping
  23. Foods
  24. Supermarket
  25. Television 
  26. Movies
  27. Entertainment
  28. Sauna
  29. Crime
  30. Work 
  31. Family 
  32. Marriage 
  33. Education
  34. Hobbies
  35. Birthdays
  36. Sports
  37. Electronics
Conversation Questions: Culture
  1. What do you like about your culture?
  2. What do you dislike about your culture?
  3. How do young people in your culture differ from the older generation?
  4. What cultures confuse you?
  5. If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be?
  6. Have you considered marrying or dating someone outside your culture?
  7. Have you considered living in a country other than your own? 
  8. If you met someone visiting your country, what advice would you give her/him?
  9. What other cultures have you met people from?
  10. What's important to keep in mind when visiting another culture?
  11. Do you think "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" is good advice?   
  12. What cultures do you admire?

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