Saturday, March 10, 2012

Women Passes Driver's Exam After 950 Attempts

Woman Passes Driver's Test after 950th try!


Language Focus
Talk Tips
talking about driving and motivation
expressing likes and dislikes
beat - overcome
Conditional – “If I study hard, I will pass my test.”

A woman in South Korea who took a driver's exam on an almost daily basis finally passed after 950 times.

The aspiring driver spent more than 5 million won in application fees.

Cha Sa-soon, 68, squeaked by with a score of 60 but got an "A" in perseverance. After completing the driving portion, she became a national celebrity and received a free vehicle courtesy of Hyundai Motors.


“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” / meaning - don't give up

Student Activity

Pair work. Students ask classmates about personal goals they refuse to give up on.


  1. What do you think about Cha Sa-soon's 950 attempts to pass her driver's exam?
  2. What do you like about driving?
  3. What do you hate about driving?
  4. Do you think people's character sometimes changes when they get behind the wheel?
  5. Have you tried driving in other countries?
  6. Do you prefer to drive or use public transportation?
  7. What music do you listen to when you drive?
  8. Do you talk on the phone or text message when you drive?  
  9. Do you use GPS to get around?
  10. How do you beat the high cost of gasoline?
  11. Do you think you might buy a hybrid or electric vehicle someday?
  12. Are you usually the designated driver or are your friends?
  13. Who are better drivers, men or women?  
  14. If you bumped someone’s car when parking, would you leave a note or “run away”?

aspiring - hopeful
beat - cope with

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