Monday, March 12, 2012

Culture Shock

  1. Learn to talk about differences and similarities between your culture and other countries.
  2. Learn where to obtain information on countries and learn about their local culture.
  1. Who has visited another country?
  2. What differences did you notice in customs and culture?
  3. What was hard to get used to?
  4. What's your most interesting story?
  5. What's your funniest story?
topics to think about

  1. Greetings 
  2. Dining 
  3. Personal space 
  4. Homes
  5. Dating
  6. Holidays
  7. Safety
  8. Taxis
  9. Laundry
  10. Bathhouses
  11. Movies theaters
  12. Elevators
  13. Fashion
  14. Superstitions
  15. Medicine
  16. Education
  17. Generations
  18. "Bangs" - pc bang / nohrebang / game bang
  19. Recreation
  20. Socializing
  21. Cars
  22. Shopping
  23. Foods
  24. Supermarket
  25. Television 
  26. Movies
  27. Entertainment
  28. Sauna
  29. Crime
  30. Work 
  31. Family 
  32. Marriage 
  33. Education
  34. Hobbies
  35. Birthdays
  36. Sports
  37. Electronics
Conversation Questions: Culture
  1. What do you like about your culture?
  2. What do you dislike about your culture?
  3. How do young people in your culture differ from the older generation?
  4. What cultures confuse you?
  5. If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be?
  6. Have you considered marrying or dating someone outside your culture?
  7. Have you considered living in a country other than your own? 
  8. If you met someone visiting your country, what advice would you give her/him?
  9. What other cultures have you met people from?
  10. What's important to keep in mind when visiting another culture?
  11. Do you think "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" is good advice?   
  12. What cultures do you admire?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Women Passes Driver's Exam After 950 Attempts

Woman Passes Driver's Test after 950th try!


Language Focus
Talk Tips
talking about driving and motivation
expressing likes and dislikes
beat - overcome
Conditional – “If I study hard, I will pass my test.”

A woman in South Korea who took a driver's exam on an almost daily basis finally passed after 950 times.

The aspiring driver spent more than 5 million won in application fees.

Cha Sa-soon, 68, squeaked by with a score of 60 but got an "A" in perseverance. After completing the driving portion, she became a national celebrity and received a free vehicle courtesy of Hyundai Motors.


“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” / meaning - don't give up

Student Activity

Pair work. Students ask classmates about personal goals they refuse to give up on.


  1. What do you think about Cha Sa-soon's 950 attempts to pass her driver's exam?
  2. What do you like about driving?
  3. What do you hate about driving?
  4. Do you think people's character sometimes changes when they get behind the wheel?
  5. Have you tried driving in other countries?
  6. Do you prefer to drive or use public transportation?
  7. What music do you listen to when you drive?
  8. Do you talk on the phone or text message when you drive?  
  9. Do you use GPS to get around?
  10. How do you beat the high cost of gasoline?
  11. Do you think you might buy a hybrid or electric vehicle someday?
  12. Are you usually the designated driver or are your friends?
  13. Who are better drivers, men or women?  
  14. If you bumped someone’s car when parking, would you leave a note or “run away”?

aspiring - hopeful
beat - cope with

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Grammy: And The Winner Is...

Grammy Winner: Adelle

The Grammy Award

The Grammy Awards are presented annually in the USA by the Recording Academy for outstanding work in the music industry. With over 100 categories and 30 genres, the Grammys has become a major televised event.

The "Grammy" award was named after the first record player,  the "gramophone,” invented by Thomas Edision, USA.

Music Categories

There are four general categories among the many awards handed out.

 They are:
  1. Album of the Year
  2. Record of the Year
  3. Song of the Year
  4. Best New Artist

Student Activity

In pairs or small groups, discuss who you would nominate from your country in each of the above music categories.

Music: Made in America

Many of today’s popular genres of music originated in the USA. How many can you name? (see answers below)

Discussion: Music 

  1. What kind of music do you like?
  2. Do you listen to music when you are out and about?
  3. Do you like musicals?
  4. Do you like singing karaoke style?
  5. Do you listen to music at work or while doing your homework?
  6. Do you sing in the shower?
  7. Do you watch music television or "idol" shows? 
  8. Do you go to concerts?  Last concert?
  9. Have you ever competed in a singing contest?
  10. Do you have a music collection?   What kind?
  11. If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?
  12. If you could start a band, what type of music would you play? 
  13. What's one of your favorite songs?
  14. What's your favorite karaoke song to sing?  
  15. What kind of music do you exercise to? 
  16. What kind of music do you relax to?
  17. What kind of music do you usually listen to?
  18. What kind of songs do you like to sing?
  19. What kinds of music are popular in your country?
  20. What kinds of music do you dislike?  
  21. How have your musical tastes changed?
  22. When do you usually listen to music?
  23. Who is your favorite group?
  24. Who is your favorite singer?
  25. Who is the most famous musician in your country? Group? 
Music: Made in America (answers)

R & B

Music Idioms

And all that jazz
meaning: When everything is included.

Blow your own horn
meaning: If you blow your own horn, you brag about yourself.

Change your tune
meaning: When someone changes the way they think and talk about something.

Clear as a bell
meaning: When something is very clear and easily understood.

Face the music
meaning: When you have to accept the consequences for something you have done wrong.

Fine tuning
meaning: When you need to make small adjustments to improve something.

Hit the right note
meaning: When you speak or act in a way that has a positive effect on people.

It takes two to tango
meaning: When things go wrong and both sides are to blame.

March to the beat of your own drum
meaning: If people march to the beat of their own drum, they do things the way they want to.

Music to my ears
meaning: Good news.

Play by ear
meaning: To improvise, deal with something without guidelines or rules.

Pull out all the stops
meaning: When you do everything possible to be successful at something.

Strike a chord
meanng: To remind someone of something.

Robot Teachers

Robot teachers in South Korean classrooms

In South Korea, children's English language classes are now being taught by robot teachers called "Engkey."
The pilot program placed dozens of robots in classrooms in Daegu, South Korea.

Besides reading books, the robots are also programmed to sing songs and play alphabet games with the students.

Discussion: the future of robots

  1. What do you think about robot teachers? 
  2. Would you like to own a robot someday? What would you want it to do?
  3. What role do you think robots will play in our society later this century?
  4. What jobs could robots do more efficiently than people?
  5. What things are humans better at than robots?
  6. Are you worried about robots taking over the world?
  7. What do you think about people having robots as friends or pets? 
  8. What’s your favorite robot movie?

German robots "man" restaurant


DaVinci robot performs delicate surgery

 robots help elderly

April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day Joke (BBC)

April Fool's Day

April Fools' Day is celebrated in different countries around the world on April 1 every year. Although not a national holiday, it is widely celebrated as a day when many people play all kinds of practical jokes on just about anyone: friends, family, teachers, neighbors, co-workers, etc.

Origin. Some researchers suggest that the decision to designate January 1 as New Year's Day in the 16th century was responsible for the creation of April Fool's Day. 

In the Middle Ages, New Year's Day was celebrated on March 25 in most European towns. Those who rang in the New Year on January 1 made fun of those who celebrated on other dates.  

Discussion: April Fool's Day
  1. What tricks did you play on your teacher and classmates on April Fool's Day? 
  2. Do you remember any funny April Fool's Day tricks someone played on you? 
  3. Who would you like to play an April Fool's Day joke on? What would you do?
  4. Are you a practical joker?
  5. What's the best joke you have ever played on someone (or seen)?


Fight Stress With Pillows

Chinese Pillow Fighters War on Stress

Pillows bearing the names of bosses and teachers flew into the air in Shanghai in a massive pillow battle.

The annual event marked its fifth year, with participation by stressed-out office workers and students. 

Founded by Evelyn Wang,  she started pillow fight day as an opportunity to blow off steam. Individuals write down the names of their bosses and teachers and than let loose their frustration.

In 2012, International Pillow Fight Day was held in major cities around the world on 7 April 2012.

From Boston  to Budapest, flash mobs of pillow fighters broke out around the world. See: http://www.http//

Got Stress?

  1. What do you think about pillow fight day?
  2. Would you enjoy a good pillow fight in your country?
  3. What causes you stress and how do you relieve it?
  4. What are parents stressed about these days?
  5. What are children stressed about these days?
  6. Whar are workers stressed about these days?
  7. What are students stressed about these days?
  8. What are couples stressed about these days? singles?
  9. What are people in your country stressed about these days?
  10. What's the world stressed about these days?

Angry Birds Money Making App

Angry Birds  

The Angry Birds app is the most downloaded game ever at 500 million and counting.

Developed by Finnish company Rovio, it is also one of the most played in gaming history.

Rovio’s successful marketing of Angry Birds products includes: soft toys, books, clothing, and an animation studio to produce Angry Birds cartoons and Angry Birds the movie.

The Game

In the game, players use a slingshot to launch birds at pigs stationed on various structures, with the intent of destroying all the pigs on the playing field.  

Warm-Up: Apps

  1. What’s your favorite app?
  2. What apps do you use on a regular basis?
  3. What apps help you learn English?
  4. What apps do you use when you travel?
  5. What apps help you stay organized?
  6. What apps do you enjoy just for fun?
Discussion: What Makes You Angry 
  1. What makes you angry?
  2. Do you have a short fuse or are you slow to lose your temper?
  3. When was the last time you got angry?
  4. How do you control your temper?
  5. Do you know anyone that has a short fuse? How do you calm them down? 
  6. Do men and women show their angry differently?  
  7. Can getting angry actually prove healthy?
  8. What gets people angry these days?
Something to think about

  1. When drivers cut you off, does that make you angry?
  2. When your teacher gives you a surprise pop quiz, does that make you angry?
  3. When you go to the beauty salon and ask for a "Kim So Eun" but get a "Yoo Joon-sang," does that make you angry?
  4. You just came home after a long day at work when your husband and kids come running from the television room and ask, "What's for dinner?" Does that make you angry?
  5. When you order jeans on-line that don't look like the photo, don't fit and fall apart after one wash,  does that make angry?
  6. When your boss passes you over for a promotion and gives it to the "new guy," does that make you angry? 
  7. If someone steals your boyfriend/girlfriend, does that make you angry?
  8. When someone steals your parking space just as you are about to pull in, does that make you angry?
  9. When you're waiting for an elevator and someone closes the door in your face just as it arrives, does that make you angry?
  10. You don't smoke, but people walking down the sidewalk do. Does that make you angry?
  11. You've tried every diet under the sun but they're not working while your slim friend snacks on ice cream and never seems to gain an ounce. Does that make you angry?
  12. Your classmmate cheats off of you during an exam and gets a better grade. Does that make you angry?
  13. The cost of gasoline and food prices are up? Does that make you angry?
  14. When there's no hyu-gee in the bathroom, does that make you angry?
  15. When your neighbor's children bounce a soccer ball on the ceiling above you at 2 a.m., does that make you angry?
  16. When people talk during a movie, does that make you angry?
Anger Idioms

hit the ceiling
meaning: lose your temper

hit the roof
meaning: lose your temper

blow your top
meaning: lose your temper

lose your cool
meaning: lose your temper

lose it
meaning: lose your temper

Bird Idioms

free as a bird
meaning: carefree
sentence: Sally is always happy and free as a bird.

bird's-eye view
meaning: view from above
sentence: We got a bird's-eye view of Seoul as the plane began to land. 

early bird
meaning: a person who arrives early
sentence: The early birds get the best seats at the movie theater.

eat like a bird
meaning: eat small amounts
sentence: What's Jane's secret to staying slim? She eats like a bird. 

Space Colonies

Stephen Hawking: Space May Save the Human Race

Professor Stephen Hawking, the celebrated physicist, has once again  proposed that the human race must colonize space in order to ensure its survival.

What has him so worried?

Hawking suggests that nuclear war or climate change could result in human extinction.

Discovery magazine also suggests that a global pandemic or an asteroid strike could end the human race.

So how could space colonies ensure the survival of mankind?

Hawking proposes spreading out human civilization over several planets so a disaster occurring on one world would not result in the end of the entire human race.


  1. You’ve probably seen movies like Deep Impact, the Day After or 2012. What do you think about the possibility of human extinction?
  2. What do you think about the possibility of nuclear war or climate change being the causes of human extinction? 
  3. Is it too late to prevent climate change?
  4. Can world governments unite to prevent nuclear catastrophe? 
  5. What can be done to prevent a collision with a giant asteroid?
  6. Do you think Dr. Hawking’s warning of human extinction is the stuff of science fiction movies or do you think governments should begin to take his warnings seriously and start making plans for space colonization before it is too late?
  7. What do you imagine life would be like in the first space colony?
  8. How would you spend your last day if you heard on the news that a giant asteroid was heading toward planet earth and would collide in the next 24 hours?
From the Earth to the Moon

Museum of Bad Art

News English

This is AP news minute.

Deadly Tornado
The death toll is expected to rise after a tornado tore through a Missouri town. At least 89 people are dead in the town of Joplin. The city manager says the Sunday twister cut a half mile wide path of destruction through the town.

1. Which do you think is worse, a tornadoe or a hurricane?
2. With today's modern weather forecasting, why are tornadoes still so deadly?
4. Does your country have severe weather storms?
5. Have you ever been stranded in a severe storm?
5. What safety precautions would you take if you were caught in a tornadoe? hurricane? earthquake?

Obama in Ireland
President Obama is in Ireland this morning. The Emerald Island the first stop on a six-day European tour. The President will visit Moneygall, the tiny village that is the ancestral home of Obama’s great great great grandfather on his Kansas born mother’s side.

1. What do you think about President Obama's Irish roots?
2. What do you know about the Emerald Island?
3. Have you celebrated St. Patrick's Day?

Pawlenty In
Republican Tim Pawlenty is off and running with his 2012 GOP presidential campaign. Pawlenty promises a campaign that tells the American people the truth and suggests that President Barak Obama doesn’t. The former Minnesota governor will formally declare he is running for president in person today during a town hall forum in Iowa.

Fast forward: a year later, Pawlenty had droppped out of the race and Mitt Romney became the front-runner for the Republican party.

1. In the USA, there are two major political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats (Barack Obama). What are the major political parties in your country? What are their differences
2. Who would you like to see become the next president in your country? Why?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages a person faces when choosing to become a national leader?

High Heel Race
And women in Peru have taken part in a charity running event with a difference. Each competitor was wearing high heel shoes. The race was a 150 yard dash through the capitol of Lima. Organizers say the heel represents an obstacle in the lives of everyday women and the race was intended to demonstrate that all obstacles can be overcome.

1. (women) How would you do in a high-heel race?
2. (women) Are you a fan of high heels?
3. (women) What's your favorite pair of dress shoes?
4. What do you know about Peru?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Times Square Wishing Wall

Times Square Wishing Wall

People from all over the world stop by the Times Square Visitor Center’s Wishing Wall to write down their dreams on confetti which is dropped over Times Square on New Years Eve.

The messages in dozens of languages show us how we are more alike than different.

Students write that they just want to graduate and get a good job. Others jot down that they want to be famous. Some wish ailing relatives well, and then there are the universal messages of peace and goodwill.

Passersby can leave messages on the Wishing Wall throughout the year. On December 30, their wishes are mixed in with the confetti that rains down on the crowd gathered together on New Years Eve at Times Square, counting down to the stroke of midnight.

If you can’t be there in person, you can still email your wish at

Note: see if you can spot the Wishing Wall note written in Hangeul.

Discussion: Wishes
  1. What do you wish for yourself??
  2. What do you wish for your family?
  3. What do you wish for your friends?
  4. What do you wish for your country?
  5. What do you wish for the world?
 Discussion: Time
  1. What takes up most of your time?
  2. How could you manage your time better?
  3. What would you do if you had a few extra hours each day?  
  4. If you could travel back in time, where would you go?
  5. How about the future, what would you like to see?
Discussion: NYC

It's nickname is "the Big Apple" and it's the most populated city in the USA. How well do you know New York City?  Here are some things "New York" defnitely worth a Google. 
  1. Statue of Liberty
  2. Empire State Building
  3. Central Park
  4. New York Yankees
  5. Broadway
  6. Times Square
  7. Greenwich Village

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bucket List

The Bucket List

The Bucket List is a 2007 comedy starring Academy Award-winners Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. 

When blue-collar mechanic Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman) and billionaire Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) share a hospital room together, they both get the bad news that they have terminal lung cancer. The pair decides to go on a road trip with a wish list of things to do before they "kick the bucket."

The movie's premise struck a chord with audiences, many of whom have their own wish list of things they would like to accomplish in life.

Life lists have become popular on the internet –, and – to name a few.

Travel and relationships top many lists.


terminal lung cancer - advanced cancer in which death is inevitable
kick the bucket - (slang) to die
struck a chord - reminded


Q: What's on your bucket list?

Movie Dialogue

Edward Cole: I run hospitals, not health spas. Two beds to a room, no exceptions.

Carter Chambers (narration): There was a survey once. A thousand people asked, would they want to know the exact day of their death...

Edward Cole: Who the hell is that?

Carter Chambers: Who the hell are you.

Carter Chambers (narration)... 96% of them said no.

Edward Cole: Oh God. What am I, in the morgue?

Carter Chambers (narration): That was the first time I laid eyes on Edward Cole.

Edward Cole: I want my own room.

Man: You run hospitals, not health spas. Two beds to a room, no exceptions.

Edward Cole: Damned if I’m going to spend the next three weeks laying in bed next to “zombie boy.”

Carter: My freshman philosophy professor assigned this exercise and called it a “bucket list.” We were supposed to make a list of all things that we wanted to do in our lives before we kicked the bucket.

Cole: Cutesie

Carter: Pointless now!

Cole: We could do this. We should do this.

Cole: This is living!

Carter: I hate your rotten guts!

Carter: Is he insane?

Man: depends.

Cole: You gonna drive it or buy it a dress?

Carter: Just getting to know each other.

Woman: I don’t understand how you can just run off with a total stranger!

Carter: I’ve got forty-five years greased up under the hood of a car. I think I’ve earned some time for myself!

Carter: You got kids?

Cole: I don’t see her.

Cole: Why are we uh…oh my g-d.

Carter: What are you so afraid of?

Cole: Just because I told you my story does not invite you to be a part of it!

Carter: Dear Edward, there’s no way I can repay you for all you’ve done for me.  But rather than try, I’m just going to ask you do something else for me…find the joy in your life.

Cole: Do you hate me?

Cater: Not yet.

Cole: We live, we die. The wheels on the bus go round and round.

Man: I’m proud of you.

Cole: Nobody cares what you think.


laid eyes - saw
kick the bucket - (slang) die
pointless - waste of time
greased up - got dirty from working around grease (from cars) as a mechanic