Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Grammy: And The Winner Is...

Grammy Winner: Adelle

The Grammy Award

The Grammy Awards are presented annually in the USA by the Recording Academy for outstanding work in the music industry. With over 100 categories and 30 genres, the Grammys has become a major televised event.

The "Grammy" award was named after the first record player,  the "gramophone,” invented by Thomas Edision, USA.

Music Categories

There are four general categories among the many awards handed out.

 They are:
  1. Album of the Year
  2. Record of the Year
  3. Song of the Year
  4. Best New Artist

Student Activity

In pairs or small groups, discuss who you would nominate from your country in each of the above music categories.

Music: Made in America

Many of today’s popular genres of music originated in the USA. How many can you name? (see answers below)

Discussion: Music 

  1. What kind of music do you like?
  2. Do you listen to music when you are out and about?
  3. Do you like musicals?
  4. Do you like singing karaoke style?
  5. Do you listen to music at work or while doing your homework?
  6. Do you sing in the shower?
  7. Do you watch music television or "idol" shows? 
  8. Do you go to concerts?  Last concert?
  9. Have you ever competed in a singing contest?
  10. Do you have a music collection?   What kind?
  11. If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?
  12. If you could start a band, what type of music would you play? 
  13. What's one of your favorite songs?
  14. What's your favorite karaoke song to sing?  
  15. What kind of music do you exercise to? 
  16. What kind of music do you relax to?
  17. What kind of music do you usually listen to?
  18. What kind of songs do you like to sing?
  19. What kinds of music are popular in your country?
  20. What kinds of music do you dislike?  
  21. How have your musical tastes changed?
  22. When do you usually listen to music?
  23. Who is your favorite group?
  24. Who is your favorite singer?
  25. Who is the most famous musician in your country? Group? 
Music: Made in America (answers)

R & B

Music Idioms

And all that jazz
meaning: When everything is included.

Blow your own horn
meaning: If you blow your own horn, you brag about yourself.

Change your tune
meaning: When someone changes the way they think and talk about something.

Clear as a bell
meaning: When something is very clear and easily understood.

Face the music
meaning: When you have to accept the consequences for something you have done wrong.

Fine tuning
meaning: When you need to make small adjustments to improve something.

Hit the right note
meaning: When you speak or act in a way that has a positive effect on people.

It takes two to tango
meaning: When things go wrong and both sides are to blame.

March to the beat of your own drum
meaning: If people march to the beat of their own drum, they do things the way they want to.

Music to my ears
meaning: Good news.

Play by ear
meaning: To improvise, deal with something without guidelines or rules.

Pull out all the stops
meaning: When you do everything possible to be successful at something.

Strike a chord
meanng: To remind someone of something.

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