Thursday, March 8, 2012

Robot Teachers

Robot teachers in South Korean classrooms

In South Korea, children's English language classes are now being taught by robot teachers called "Engkey."
The pilot program placed dozens of robots in classrooms in Daegu, South Korea.

Besides reading books, the robots are also programmed to sing songs and play alphabet games with the students.

Discussion: the future of robots

  1. What do you think about robot teachers? 
  2. Would you like to own a robot someday? What would you want it to do?
  3. What role do you think robots will play in our society later this century?
  4. What jobs could robots do more efficiently than people?
  5. What things are humans better at than robots?
  6. Are you worried about robots taking over the world?
  7. What do you think about people having robots as friends or pets? 
  8. What’s your favorite robot movie?

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