Thursday, March 8, 2012

Angry Birds Money Making App

Angry Birds  

The Angry Birds app is the most downloaded game ever at 500 million and counting.

Developed by Finnish company Rovio, it is also one of the most played in gaming history.

Rovio’s successful marketing of Angry Birds products includes: soft toys, books, clothing, and an animation studio to produce Angry Birds cartoons and Angry Birds the movie.

The Game

In the game, players use a slingshot to launch birds at pigs stationed on various structures, with the intent of destroying all the pigs on the playing field.  

Warm-Up: Apps

  1. What’s your favorite app?
  2. What apps do you use on a regular basis?
  3. What apps help you learn English?
  4. What apps do you use when you travel?
  5. What apps help you stay organized?
  6. What apps do you enjoy just for fun?
Discussion: What Makes You Angry 
  1. What makes you angry?
  2. Do you have a short fuse or are you slow to lose your temper?
  3. When was the last time you got angry?
  4. How do you control your temper?
  5. Do you know anyone that has a short fuse? How do you calm them down? 
  6. Do men and women show their angry differently?  
  7. Can getting angry actually prove healthy?
  8. What gets people angry these days?
Something to think about

  1. When drivers cut you off, does that make you angry?
  2. When your teacher gives you a surprise pop quiz, does that make you angry?
  3. When you go to the beauty salon and ask for a "Kim So Eun" but get a "Yoo Joon-sang," does that make you angry?
  4. You just came home after a long day at work when your husband and kids come running from the television room and ask, "What's for dinner?" Does that make you angry?
  5. When you order jeans on-line that don't look like the photo, don't fit and fall apart after one wash,  does that make angry?
  6. When your boss passes you over for a promotion and gives it to the "new guy," does that make you angry? 
  7. If someone steals your boyfriend/girlfriend, does that make you angry?
  8. When someone steals your parking space just as you are about to pull in, does that make you angry?
  9. When you're waiting for an elevator and someone closes the door in your face just as it arrives, does that make you angry?
  10. You don't smoke, but people walking down the sidewalk do. Does that make you angry?
  11. You've tried every diet under the sun but they're not working while your slim friend snacks on ice cream and never seems to gain an ounce. Does that make you angry?
  12. Your classmmate cheats off of you during an exam and gets a better grade. Does that make you angry?
  13. The cost of gasoline and food prices are up? Does that make you angry?
  14. When there's no hyu-gee in the bathroom, does that make you angry?
  15. When your neighbor's children bounce a soccer ball on the ceiling above you at 2 a.m., does that make you angry?
  16. When people talk during a movie, does that make you angry?
Anger Idioms

hit the ceiling
meaning: lose your temper

hit the roof
meaning: lose your temper

blow your top
meaning: lose your temper

lose your cool
meaning: lose your temper

lose it
meaning: lose your temper

Bird Idioms

free as a bird
meaning: carefree
sentence: Sally is always happy and free as a bird.

bird's-eye view
meaning: view from above
sentence: We got a bird's-eye view of Seoul as the plane began to land. 

early bird
meaning: a person who arrives early
sentence: The early birds get the best seats at the movie theater.

eat like a bird
meaning: eat small amounts
sentence: What's Jane's secret to staying slim? She eats like a bird. 

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