Monday, May 21, 2012

Global Warming: Cows?

India's cows – all 283 million of them - have entered the climate change debate.

The gas (methane) cows produce in India is a bigger factor in global warming than all their vehicles on the road.

Scientists have begun experimenting with new diets to make cows less “gassy.”

Researchers are also busy working on technology which can reuse the methane gas for energy. 
Since killing cows is illegal in India, old cows might one day be used as alternative sources of energy, powering electricity in homes.

  1.  What do you think about the impact of cows on global warming?
  2. Would you give up eating meat to reduce global warming (Paul McCartney, Beatles, proposed going meatless one day a week)?
  3. Do you think global warming is a serious issue or is it being overemphasized?
  4. Can global warming be good news for some countries?
  5. What do you do in your daily life to decrease global warming?

on the road – being driven
carbon footprints – term used to describe energy usage
at the same time – also, too
entered -  come into   

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