Monday, May 21, 2012

Social Networking

Social Networking

People use social networking sites to share ideas, opinions and interests. Millions post comments, videos, pictures, links and other content.

 Social media is still young and evolving. Take the example of Facebook. It was launched in 2004 as a social network just for

Harvard students. Facebook now has hundreds of millions of active users.

Not everyone is happy about that, however. Some students are not okay with older people using it.

 Public officials recognize the ways social media have changed the way people communicate. The White House has its own Facebook page.  

 President Obama, however, has also warned students to be careful about what they post on Facebook because it could be pulled up again later in their lives and come back to haunt them.
  • pulled up - revealed
  • come back to haunt them - cause someone problems 
Conversation Practice 
  1. What are the pro's and con's of social networking? 
  2. Do you have a social networking account (Facebook, Twitter, Naver)?
  3. How has social networking changed your life?
  4. How has social networking changed the business world?
  5. What do you think about older people using social networking sites like facebook?
  6. How has social media changed world politics (Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street)?
  7. Has social media opened up new market for unknown artists artists (music, film, etc.)?
  8. What do you think about cyber bullying? Solutions?
  9. What's your opinion on blogs that spread rumors?
  10. Should on-line entertainment web sites that report on celebrities be regulated?
  11. What do you think about on-line dating services?
  12. Have you ever "googled" your name?

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