Monday, May 21, 2012

Message in a Bottle

In 2009, Corey Swearingen put a letter in a bottle and tossed it into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida. It was his high school science project.

A year later, his teacher received a message from Ireland on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean that the bottle had washed ashore where it was found by another high school student.


1. What would you write on your message in a bottle?
2. If you left a message on your favorite entertainer's voicemail, what would you say?
3. Tomorrow, a giant meteor will hit planet earth. What's the last message you will ever write?
4. Did you pass messages in class when you were a student?
5. Do you ever use "I didn't get your message" to get out of doing something?
6. Do you instant message often? What "IM" expressions do you use?

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